Thank you for all the participants! Read about the results of Demobooster Tampere in English and in Finnish.
Demobooster Tampere
Check out the challenges by TT Gaskets and Framery. If you’re interested in pitching a solution, please don’t hesitate to contact us ( or for more information.
DemoDay will be organized in February 2022.
Read the press release here in English and in Finnish.
Check a video about TTG Smart Tracking service for inspiration!

TT Gaskets developed TTG Smart Tracking service which enables customers to verify the authenticity of spare parts and track their location. Photo: Jaakko Niukkala
In Demobooster Tampere the applier companies presenting a challenge are introduced to startups and/or technology companies pitching for innovative solutions. The most successful pitch will be piloted in co-operation with the applier company. For the challenge presenting companies, Demobooster offers innovative thinking outside the box as well as know-how of product development in a new field. The company also saves time in mapping potential suppliers, and it does not have to learn a new specialty from scratch. For the startups, Demobooster provides an opportunity to show their offering with tailored solutions and network with potential customers.
Demobooster Tampere will be arranged in participation with Business Tampere and the idea is to give especially the companies from Tampere region an opportunity to boost their innovation. The Demobooster Tampere pitching event will be held in February 2022.
The participation fee for the companies is now only 3000€ + VAT24% for challenge presenting companies and free for pitchers so please do not hesitate to use this opportunity! The aim is to have about 3-5 pitches for each challenge. The applier company will commit to making a written PoC contract with the pitching company withing 2 weeks of the Demobooster Tampere pitching event*. The participation fee to Tampere Booster includes helping defining and writing the challenge. The event will be organized either face-to-face or online depending on the corona situation.
If you are interested in participating, please do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible!
Risto Lehtinen, Head of Co-Creation, risto.lehtinen(at), 050 555 3900
Doris Pryjma, System Manager, doris.pryjma(at), 040 840 6700
*the company specific fees of developing a PoC are not included in the participation fee, but decided separately between the applier and producer company”
Come and ask more from Antti Karjaluoto at Startup Tampere event 1st of December in Helsinki:
Startup Tampere event – the coolest Slush related side event of the year!
Demobooster Tampere
Demobooster Tampere nopeuttaa teollisuusyritysten tuotekehitystä menetelmällä, joka tuo kehityshaasteen esittäjät ja ratkaisun tarjoajat saman pöydän ääreen. Demobooster Tampereessa uutta tuotetta tai ideaa kehittävä jo vakiintunut yritys esittää haasteen, johon startup- ja teknologiayritykset saavat esittää ratkaisuvaihtoehtonsa samassa tapahtumassa helmikuussa 2022. Yksittäiseen haasteeseen esitetyistä 3-5 ratkaisusta toteuttamiskelpoisinta lähdetään pilotoimaan.
Business Tampere järjestää Demobooster Tampereen yhteistyössä DIMECC Oy:n kanssa.
Tapahtuma on tarkoitettu yrityksille, jotka
- Sijaitsevat Tampereen seudulla
- Haluavat vauhdittaa innovaatioitaan
- Haasteen esittävälle yritykselle menetelmä tarjoaa väylän saada uudenlaista ajattelua ja osaamista tuotekehitykseen ilman että sen tarvitsee käyttää aikaa uuden erikoisalan oppimiseen tai palveluntarjoajien kartoittamiseen.
- Startup- ja teknologiayritykset puolestaan pääsevät esittelemään osaamistaan räätälöidyillä ratkaisuilla ja toteuttamaan niitä käytännössä.